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Thursday, February 1, 2024 11:29 PM

NJ Bill A4/S50 Affordable Housing Legislation - Help Slow this Bill Down!!

Dear Harding Friends, I am writing to bring your attention to NJ's new affordable housing bill A4/S50 entitledReforms municipal responsibilities concerning provision of affordable housing; abolishes COAH; appropriates $16 million. Among other things, Bill A-4/S50 seeks to abolish the Council on Affordable Housing and replace it with a new process in which the NJ Department of Community Affairs would take on a major role in the allocation of affordable housing requirements to NJ municipalities. This bill is progressing very quickly along partisan lines despite the bi-partisan opposition to the bill in its current form. Our town attorney, Mike Edwards, has prepared a baker's dozen list of the minimal glaring items wrong with this bill (see link below). Our goal at this point is to slow down this bill long enough to allow significant amendments to be made so that we can avoid the negative effects this bill will have on Harding and other NJ municipalities. Along these lines, we ask that you reach out to your State Assemblypeople and Senators and voice your objection to bill A4/S50 in its current form. If you would like to learn more about A4/S50, please attend the Meet the Mayor event, this Monday, February 5, 2024 at 7 p.m. at Kirby Hall. It is sure to be a hot topic of conversation! Or please reach out to me at the number below. Best, Rita Chipperson Harding Township Committee (cell) 201-919-8098

Monday, May 29, 2023 1:55 PM

Kemmerer Library Ribbon Cutting for our Community Patio - June 9th at 6 p.m.

Join us as the community gathers to celebrate the opening of the new Kemmerer Library Community Patio. Enjoy hors d'oeuvres and wine as we enjoy this new addition to the library that is for the benefit of all Harding residents. 

June 9th at 6 a.m.

Get tickets at:

Wednesday, February 10, 2021 5:37 PM

Centennial Planning Kickoff Meeting - Next Tuesday, February 16th at 7:30 PM

Friday, December 4, 2020 9:36 AM

Harding Vote Tallies for All Races

Dear Harding Friends,

The election results for Harding have now been certified.  Since the election was conducted by mail, the results in Harding have not been reported and are not yet available (and may not be available) on the Morris County Clerk’s website. We’d like to report those results to you.  We thank you for your support and thank you for all you do to keep Harding red!  We will work hard on your behalf and hope to exceed your expectations. Let's Keep Harding Beautiful!

Have a terrific weekend,

Chris & Rita


Total Turnout





Total votes



Trump (R)



Biden (D)



Total votes


US Senate

Mehta (R)



Booker (D)



Total votes


US House

Becchi (R)



Sherrill (D)



Total votes


Morris County Freeholder

Selen (R)



Amaro (D)



Total votes


Township Committee

Chipperson (R)






Barry (D)



Richardson (D)



Total votes


State Question 1 -- Legalizing marijuana







Total votes


State Question 2 -- Tax Deduction for veterans







Total votes


State Question 3 -- To delay redistricting







Total votes


Monday, November 23, 2020 9:30 PM

Thank You Harding Voters!

Harding Friends,

After a few weeks of vote counting in Morris County, we are happy to announce that the votes were certified, and Harding has overwhelmingly voted for our re-election and election to Harding Township Committee. We thank you for the trust you have placed in us and look forward to continuing to serve you and our beautiful town. 

We would also like to thank our campaign volunteers and contributors who made our success possible, and all of those in our community who reached out to us to express thanks, support, and appreciation for our candidacies.  To all of the candidates who ran in this election, we thank you for participating in the democratic process. Finally, we are also thankful to all of the voters who embraced the vote-by-mail mandate, and all else that 2020 has thrown at us, and cast early votes in an effort to help our Board of Elections with the daunting task of processing the paper ballots.  

In the upcoming months, we will continue to support and work with our Harding first responders to combat the pandemic and ensure that they have all that they require to serve Harding as we await a vaccine. Help with Harding also remains active to support anyone in need of assistance. We look forward to the days when our full community can again gather together as one.  We wish Harding's soon to be centenarian, Walter Ness, the happiest 100th birthday, tomorrow, November 24th, and we look forward to the year-long, town-wide celebration of Harding's 100th birthday in 2022!!  

Chris & Rita


Full Morris County Election Results at:

Saturday, November 14, 2020 10:32 AM

Updated Election Results & Voting Cure Letter

Dear Harding Friends,

We thank you again for your calls and emails asking us about election results and offering congratulations.  As per our prior email, we had hoped to issue final election numbers to you by now, but the counting of the ballots is taking tremendously long. We may not have final results until November 17, 2020 or later, and the results may not be certified until November 20, 2020.

As of yesterday, we continue to hold a significant lead of 1,684 and 1,635 votes as compared to our opponents' votes of 933 and 932.  We would expect that lead to continue to grow as the ballots are counted in order, and the Republican turnout was lighter early on and very high in the days leading up to election day and on election day.  It is our understanding that the provisional ballots cast on election day will be counted this week, and we may have final results by mid-week.

Also, again, please keep your eyes open for any letters from the Morris County Board of Elections. This is likely a cure letter, which means you need to take further action for your vote to be counted.  Cure letters need to be returned by 11/18/2020 either in person, by mail, by email or fax. We want your vote to count, so don't throw away any mail from the Election Board! Here is a picture of a letter posted by the Warren County Republican Committee:

Many of the other Morris County races that were prematurely called/reported have also turned around to have Republicans in the lead as the ballots continue to be counted.  Notably, Republicans Anthony Bucco and Aura Dunn have won their state senate races, and Republican Tayfun Selen has won his Morris County freeholder race.  We continue to await final results of other races. Full Morris County results continue to be updated daily and are available at:

We thank you for your support and look forward to announcing final results as soon as they are posted! Please reach out to us with any questions at or 201-919-8098.

Chris & Rita

Wednesday, November 11, 2020 1:56 PM

Preliminary Election Results & Voting Cure Letters

Dear Harding Friends,

We thank you for your calls and emails asking about election results and offering congratulations. We had hoped to issue final election numbers to you by now, but the counting of the ballots is taking tremendously long.  We may not have final results until November 17, 2020 or later, and the results may not be certified until November 20, 2020.  

As of last night, we continue to hold a significant lead of 963 and 923 votes as compared to our opponents' votes of 604 and 600.  We would expect that lead to continue to grow as the ballots are counted in order, and the Republican turnout was lighter early on and very high in the days leading up to election day and on election day.  

Also, please keep your eyes open for any letters from the Morris County Board of Elections. This is likely a cure letter, which means you need to take further action for your vote to be counted.  Cure letters need to be returned by 11/18/2020 either in person, by mail, by email or fax. We want your vote to count, so don't throw away any mail from the Election Board! Here is a picture of a letter posted by the Warren County Republican Committee:

Many of the other Morris County races that were prematurely called/reported have also turned around to have Republicans in the lead as the ballots continue to be counted.  Again, we would expect these leads to continue to grow based upon the timing of party ballots and the sequencing of the counting. Full Morris County results continue to be updated daily and are available at:

We thank you for your support and look forward to announcing final results as soon as they are posted! Please reach out to us with any questions at or 201-919-8098.

Chris & Rita

Saturday, October 31, 2020 8:15 AM

Three More Days Until Election Day! Drop Your Ballot in a Dropbox Today!

Dear Harding Friends,

Please return your ballots today! DO NOT WAIT FOR ELECTION DAY AND DO NOT MAIL THEM!

The best way to vote this year is to drop the ballot you received at home in one of the SECURE drop boxes located at either the Madison Public Safety Complex at 62 Kings Road or the Morris County Admin Building at 10 Court Street.
If you need someone to drive you to a drop box to deposit your ballot, please reach out to Help For Harding

These drop boxes are very secure. They are under camera surveillance and ballots are deposited to a secure, enclosed box, which is picked up nightly by a Democrat representative, a Republican representative, and a Sheriff. Ballots are typically marked as received within 2-5 days, and we have not seen one lost yet.

And then track your status here contact us at and we will track it for you.


Please contact us with any questions at or 201-919-8098.

Thank you for your support.

Chris & Rita

Additional Voting Information:

If you want to hand deliver your ballot to Town Hall, you may do that. You can deliver only your own ballot.You may not deliver any other ballots, including spouses, parents, children, or neighbors to Town Hall on election dayalthough the ballot drop boxes will be open on election day. Only your own ballot will be accepted at Town Hall. You will be required to sign a register and drop your ballot in a secure box. All of the ballots delivered to Town Hall will be taken to the Board of Elections at the close of the polls on election day and added to all of the other ballots hand delivered to other polling locations in the county. Once all of the ballots received at the Board of Elections by mail and the drop boxes located throughout the county have been counted (a process that begins on October 24), the hand delivered ballots, along with the provisional ballots cast on election day, will be counted. That counting will continue for ten days following the election.To ensure your ballot is counted,counted early, and included in early election reporting numbers, it is strongly recommended you deposit it in one of the drop boxes as soon as possible andprior to election day. Although New Jersey intends to count all ballots, those submitted on election day may not show up in election reporting numbers until two weeks after the election! Voting early will also alleviate strain on the Board of Elections by allowing them to count in advance of election day, helping to speed up final election results.

For in-person voting on election day, only voters with visual impairments that prevent them from using a paper ballot will be allowed to vote on a machine. All other voters who seek to vote in person will be required to cast a provisional ballot.


Sunday, October 18, 2020 8:39 PM

Revaluation Comments

Tuesday, October 13, 2020 11:11 PM

Assemblyman Jon M. Bramnick Zoom Event on October 21st

Wednesday, October 7, 2020 9:24 AM

Mail In Ballots Have Arrived in Harding! Voting Assistance/Tutorials Available!

Dear Harding Friends,

The majority of Harding has now received an official Mail In Ballot via regular mail. If you did not receive one, please contact Ann Grossi's office at (201) 897-2269 to request a ballot.

There are multiple tutorials to assist with the filling out of the mail in ballot.  

Our County Clerk, Madame Ann Grossi, has a video tutorial accessible at:

The Harding Republican Club also has a great tutorial (with pictures) accessible at:

Once you have completed your ballot, it is best to deliver it directly to the Board of Elections in Morristown at 10 Court Street, Second Floor, Morristown, NJ 07960 or drop it in one of the fifteen drop boxes listed below (ballots are picked up nightly from these boxes). Please do not wait until election day to vote in person as you will not be able to use a machine unless you are handicapped.  If you do go to the polling place, it is best to bring your Mail In Ballot with you and use this ballot to vote "in person". HOWEVER, if you do not receive a Mail In Ballot prior to election day, your should then vote in person at your polling place on election day and a poll worker will provide you with a paper provisional ballot. 

Lastly, once you have submitted your mail in ballot, please track the status at  If this link is not working for you, please contact our campaign at or (201) 919-8098 and we can check our records to see if your ballot is shown as counted.

We also ask that you share this email with your friends and/or ask them to sign up for emails from our campaign if they are not receiving them.  

Thank you for participating in this unusual process and thank you for your support! Please contact us with any questions!

Best, Chris & Rita

Vote-By-Mail Drop Box Locations

If possible, it is recommended to drop your ballot in a drop box to avoid mail delays, particularly if you are voting close to election day.  Vote-by-Mail Drop Boxes will be installed in 15 locations across Morris County.

Five (5) boxes are already installed.

  1. Morris County Administration & Records Building
    10 Court Street, Morristown NJ 07960
    (Outside front entrance)
  2. Mount Olive Municipal Building
    204 Flanders/Drakestown Road, Budd Lake NJ 07828
    (Parking Lot entrance to Municipal Offices)
  3. Rockaway Twp. Municipal Building
    65 Mount Hope Road, Rockaway, NJ 07866
    (Outside Police Department)
  4. Montville Municipal Building
    195 Changebridge Road, Montville, NJ 07045
    (In front of Municipal Building)
  5. Madison Public Safety Complex
    62 Kings Road, Madison, NJ 07940
    (Commuter Parking Lot 3)

They are all outside and under surveillance 24/7.  They resemble a USPS Blue Mailbox, but are Red, White & Blue and display “Morris County – Official Ballot Drop Box.”

Drop box locations that are expected to be in place by October 1:

  1. Chester Township Municipal Building
    1 Parker Road. Chester, NJ 07930
    Parking Lot by Clothing Drop Box
  2. Denville Municipal Building
    1 St. Mary’s Place, Denville, NJ 07834
    Outside Main Entrance
  3. Jefferson Municipal Building
    1033 Weldon Road, Oak Ridge, NJ 07438
    Outside Main Entrance
  4. Kinnelon Borough Town Hall
    130 Kinnelon Road, Kinnelon, NJ 07405
    Parking Lot – Back Entrance
  5. Long Hill Town Hall
    915 Valley Road, Gillette, NJ 07933
    Side Entrance
  6. Mendham Boro Police Department
    3 Cold Hill Rd, South, Mendham, NJ 07945
    Outside Front Entrance
  7. Parsippany Municipal Building
    1001 Parsippany Blvd, Parsippany, NJ 07054
    Outside Main Entrance – Facing Route 287
  8. Randolph Municipal Building
    502 Millbrook Avenue, Randolph 07869
    Outside Main Entrance
  9. Roxbury Township Town Hall
    1715 Route 46, Ledgewood, NJ 07852
    Outside Main Entrance
  10. Wharton Municipal Building
    10 Robert Street, Wharton 07885
    Outside Main Entrance

The Vote-By-Mail ballots (VBMs) will be picked up on a daily basis and brought to the Board of Elections. All Security measures will be followed when collecting and transporting the VBMs. VBM Drop Boxes will be closed at 8:00 pm, close of polls on Tuesday, November 3.

Friday, September 25, 2020 12:33 PM

Meet the Candidates Event - October 5, 2020

Issued By the:  Harding Township Civic Association

Meet the Candidates

Even in a pandemic, citizens need to vote. And, to vote citizens need to be informed about the issues. This year 4 residents are running for election to the Township Committee to fill 2 vacancies. Chris Yates and Rita Chipperson are the Republican candidates and Amanda Richardson and Kate Barry are the Democratic candidates. The Civic Association will again host Meet the Candidates on Monday, October 5, 2020, at 7:30 PM. To provide for the greatest number of people to participate, Meet the Candidate will be a Zoom Webinar. The Webinar will be hosted by the Kemmerer Library and conducted by the Harding Township Civic Association.





When prompted, enter the webinar ID #: 843 2100 5860


The link will open shortly after 7PM for Candidates to join. Participants will be admitted shortly before 7:30 PM and the Webinar will begin promptly at 7:30 PM.

We would also like your input.

Please send us your questions for the candidates to with the subject matter DEBATE. It is important that we receive your input/questions before the debate so that we can cover as many of the issues as residents wish to hear about.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020 9:45 AM

Voting Information for the General Election

Dear Harding Friends,

This year's election will be conducted primarily via a paper ballot per Governor Murphy's executive order. You will NOT be permitted to vote on a machine on election day*. You will be permitted to vote via a provisional ballot provided to you at your polling location on election day, but it is preferred that you vote in advance (you will be able to track your ballot to ensure it was received).

You can vote in five different ways:
* Place your ballot in one of the secure drop boxes located throughout Morris County. The closest drop box is the one located behind the public safety building in Madison at 62 Kings Road. 
* Hand deliver your ballot to the County Board of Elections in Morristown prior to Election Day.
*Hand deliver your ballot (received in the mail) to the Harding Township municipal building on election day.
*CAST your vote in-person via paper provisional ballot on election day at your normal voting location (i.e., the Harding Township Municipal Building). You will vote on a provisional ballot, not a machine.  If you did not receive your ballot in the mail or it is damaged in some way, a new ballot will be provided to you by the poll workers.
*Return your mail-in ballot via regular mail through the U.S. Postal Service. This option is the LEAST recommended, but if you choose to do so, please mail your ballot as early as possible. Your return envelope for the ballot is postage prepaid so there is no cost to you.

To track your ballot and ensured it was received, please visit: If this link is not working for you, please contact the campaign at or (201) 919-8098, and we can check our records to see if your ballot is shown as returned.

Thank you for participating in this unusual process and thank you for your support! Please contact us with any questions.

Best, Chris & Rita

*Only voters with a disability that does not allow them to vote by paper ballot will be allowed to use a machine.

Sunday, September 20, 2020 9:50 AM

Congrats to Pillar Continuing Care

Congratulations to Pillar Continuing Care and the opening of its group home on Mount Kemble Avenue in Harding. The home is a win-win for special needs residents and Harding. We welcome our four new residents!

Saturday, September 19, 2020 11:56 AM

Morris County Republican Alliance Donates to Area Food Banks

Friday, September 18, 2020 8:11 PM

Sample Ballots Available Online

Dear Harding Friends,

Below please find the sample ballot for November's general election. It is also available online at


Please note that a sample ballot WILL NOT be sent in the mail. When you receive a ballot, IT IS YOUR VOTE BY MAIL BALLOT! Please safe guard the ballot because any tears or damage to it could cause it to be discarded.
We will continue to keep you updated as information becomes available. Please reach out to us with any questions and please encourage your Harding friends and neighbors to subscribe to our campaign emails to stay current on our campaign and VBM information (email us at

Thank you for your support!!

Monday, September 14, 2020 8:27 PM

Congratulations & Welcome to Harding's First Female Police Officer, Rachael Kunz!

Friday, September 11, 2020 8:29 AM

19 Years Ago Today. Never Forget.

Thursday, September 10, 2020 7:39 PM

September 11th - Never Forget.

 “On this day... 19 years ago 246 people went to sleep in preparation for their morning flights. 2,606 people went to sleep in preparation for work in the morning. 343 firefighters went to sleep in preparation for their morning shift. 60 police officers went to sleep in preparation for morning patrol. 8 paramedics went to sleep in preparation for the morning shift. None of them saw past 10:00am Sept 11, 2001. In one single moment life may never be the same. As you live and enjoy the breaths you take today and tonight before you go to sleep in preparation for your life tomorrow, kiss the ones you love, snuggle a little tighter, and never take one second of your life for granted.“🙏

Tuesday, September 8, 2020 10:28 PM

Paving Tomorrow 9/9

Paving starts tomorrow (9/9) on Long Hill Road. The road will be closed both ways starting at 9am until approximately 5pm. The road will only be open to travel towards Harding (from Long Hill Twp) from 7 am to 9 am. Please follow posted detours.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020 9:49 PM

Lawn Signs Coming Soon!


Dear Harding Friends,

We hope you all enjoyed the summer and had a great Labor Day weekend!

Our lawn signs will be in soon! Please email the campaign at with your address if you would like one to be placed on your lawn.

More to come soon as we approach election day! If you would like to setup a socially distanced event or Zoom for your neighborhood, please contact us. Or contact us with any other questions. We would love to hear from you!

Chris & Rita

Wednesday, September 2, 2020 7:15 PM

COVID Up In All But Harding

Tuesday, September 1, 2020 6:41 PM

Happy 98th Birthday to Harding Township!

Wednesday, August 5, 2020 2:01 PM

Harding's Emergency Alert System

If you have not already signed up, please go to and register to receive Harding's safety alerts!

Tuesday, August 4, 2020 2:40 PM

The link for Harding's live storm mapping is Residents encouraged not to travel!

Tuesday, August 4, 2020 2:13 PM

Letter from Mayor Yates re Hurricane Isaias

Wednesday, June 24, 2020 9:04 PM

Vote By Mail Instructions and Information

Update on Vote By Mail

Dear Harding Friends,

As per our previous email, on Friday, May 15th, Governor Murphy issued Executive Order No. 144 mandating that the upcoming July 7th primary shall be conducted primarily as Vote By Mail.

If you are a registered Republican or Democrat, you should have already received your vote by mail ballot. If you have not received it, please contact Ann Grossi's office at 973-285-6066.

The Harding Township Republican Club has issued illustrated instructions for filling out your ballot. See Also, when filling out the ballot, be careful how it is filled out or it could be rejected. For more specifics on things to do and things to avoid, see our VBM Basics page: The Harding Township Republican Club in conjunction with Ann Grossi's office also held a Vote By Mail Webinar on June 15th, which was recorded and is available at .

These ballots will include prepaid postage, so a voter need only fill it out and send it back to the County Clerk via mail. However, to ensure there are no mail delays and that your vote is counted, it is advisable to drop your ballot at a ballot drop box. Morris County has 5 drop box locations as listed on our Ballot Boxes page. The one in Madison is behind the police department and looks like this:

The County Clerk will also send vote-by-mail applications to “Active” voters who are registered as “Unaffiliated,” and to all “Inactive” registered Democrats, Republicans, and “Unaffiliated” voters. Presumably, these applications will allow you to declare a party and vote in a primary by applying for a mail in ballot. These applications will also include prepaid postage, and must be returned and received byJune 30th.

Any voter who appears at a polling place on the day of the July primary must vote via a provisional ballot, except that a voter with disabilities may vote on an ADA-accessible voting machine.

Every vote-by-mail ballot that is postmarked on or before July 7, 2020, and that is received by July 14, 2020, at 8:00 p.m. shall be considered valid and shall be counted. However, ballots dropped in ballot boxes must be deposited on or before 8 p.m. on Tuesday, July 7th (voting day).

This is certainly uncharted territory and we will continue to monitor this as it develops.Our campaign will be tracking VBM Ballot returns to monitor any issues or irregularities with the process. We want to make sure that every vote is counted! So please take a moment and let us know when you have returned your ballot by email or text to allow us to cross check it with our data. This will allow us to inform you if we do not see your ballot as received.

If you have any questions at all on this new process, don't receive your ballot, or need other assistance, please reach out to us at or (201) 919-8098. We will keep you informed as we gain additional information.

Thank you!

Chris & Rita

Saturday, June 20, 2020 7:41 PM

Rosemary Becchi for Congress - Meet and Greet

If you live in NJ-11, please join us on Wednesday at 6pm and get to know Rosemary Becchi.

Register at:

Thursday, June 11, 2020 8:41 PM

Make Your Vote Count:How to Successfully Complete Your Vote-by-Mail Ballot with Morris County Clerk Ann Grossi

Vote-by-Mail ballots for Primary 2020 began mailing on JUNE 12th! To ensure you have the information you need in this unique election, the Harding Township Republican Club and the Yates-Chipperson campaign are pleased to invite you to a live webinar:

Make Your Vote Count:How to Successfully Complete Your Vote-by-Mail Ballot with Morris County Clerk Ann Grossi

Event Details:
Monday, June 15th
7pm - 7:45pm
Facebook Live
Moderated by Mayor Chris Yates and Rita Chipperson


Click here to access the event on Facebook Live

(Alternatively, you may access the event by visiting the "Harding Township Republican Club" Facebook page and clicking on "Events" tab.)

NOTE: We will reserve a few minutes at the end of the presentation for Q&A. Feel free to email us questions in advance as well. If you are unable to attend the event, please be assured that it will be recorded and posted on our website and social media pages for future reference.

Please email yateschipperson@gmail.comwith any questions. We look forward to seeing you next week!

Chris & Rita

Monday, May 25, 2020 10:40 AM

On This Memorial Day, Remember the Fallen, Honor their Service and Sacrifice, and Rejoice in Your Freedom

Sunday, May 17, 2020 8:53 PM

Vote By Mail for Upcoming Primary on July 7th

Dear Harding Friends,

On Friday, May 15th, Governor Murphy issued Executive Order No. 144 mandating that the upcoming July 7th primary shall be conducted primarily as Vote By Mail.

The vote-by-mail ballots will automatically be sent to all “Active” registered Democratic and Republican voters without the need for an application to receive a vote-by-mail ballot. These ballots will include prepaid postage, so a voter need only fill it out and send it back to the County Clerk via mail. Each county will also have a number of drop boxes at which ballots may be deposited. So please watch your mail for these ballots to ensure you are able to vote. It seems that sometimes these ballots can look like junk mail.

Note, these ballots may NOT include a sample ballot, but rather a place that you can access a sample ballot or instructions on how to obtain a sample ballot. This can certainly cause confusion, and we intend to have a sample ballot available for anyone who requires one as soon as they are available. If you require a sample ballot, please email the campaign at to request one or call us at (201) 919-8098.

The County Clerk will also send vote-by-mail applications to “Active” voters who are registered as “Unaffiliated,” and to all “Inactive” registered Democrats, Republicans, and “Unaffiliated” voters. Presumably, these applications will allow you to declare a party and vote in a primary by applying for a mail in ballot. These applications will also include prepaid postage.

Any voter who appears at a polling place on the day of the July primary must vote via a provisional ballot, except that a voter with disabilities may vote on an ADA-accessible voting machine.

Every vote-by-mail ballot that is postmarked on or before July 7, 2020, and that is received by July 14, 2020, at 8:00 p.m. shall be considered valid and shall be counted.

This is certainly uncharted territory, and we will continue to monitor this as it develops. If you have any questions at all on this new process, don't receive your ballot, or need other assistance, please reach out to us at or (201) 919-8098. We will keep you informed as we gain additional information.

Thank you!

Wednesday, April 22, 2020 7:52 PM

Harding Strong - Support Your Harding First Responders!

Wednesday, April 22, 2020 5:24 PM

Harding Twp Small Business COVID-19 Conference Call April 24

From Mayor Chris Yates

Dear Small Business Owner:

In conjunction with our Regional Small Business Administration leadership, we are conducting a conference call on Friday, April 24, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. to help you get answers to questions you have about the array of programs that have been created to help small businesses who have been impacted by the mandated business closures. John Blackstock, who is the New Jersey Deputy Director for the Small Business Administration, will be on the call to talk about the programs, answer your questions, and get you the help you need to navigate through this.

Below is the phone number and conference code to participate. All lines will start out MUTED. Once the call is opened to questions, you can dial 5* on your phone to "raise your hand" with a question. Once your turn to ask your question comes up, you will be "unmuted". You will then be muted again after your question is asked.

  • Call in number: (973) 821-8321
  • Conference Code: 641083
  • No Attendee Pin Needed
  • 5* will allow you to raise your hand during the Q & A portion

Please RSVP to Lisa Sharp at and include your name, business name, and contact phone number so we can get a count for the call and be able to follow up. In order to ensure we have reached as many of our business owners as we can please share this with anyone you know who would be interested.

We look forward to speaking with you on Friday, April 24, 2020.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020 8:17 AM

COVID-19 Information Question & Answer #2- April 22nd at 7 pm

Tuesday, April 21, 2020 7:43 AM

End of Week Letter from Mayor Yates, April 19, 2019

Friday, April 17, 2020 6:17 PM

Recycling Center will now be open on Mondays & Wednesdays: 7am-8am Senior Citizens 60 years and older ONLY, 8am-12pm open to all.

Friday, April 10, 2020 9:31 PM

3D Surgical Mask Band Printing for Our First Responders (See more photos in the gallery!)

Friday, April 10, 2020 10:33 AM

End of Week Letter from Mayor Yates, April 9, 2019

Wednesday, April 8, 2020 10:00 PM

Governor Murphy Announces Postponement of June 2nd Primary Elections until July 7th

Governor Murphy Issues Executive Order 120 dated April 8th postponing primary elections.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020 6:00 PM

First Responder Birthday Parade Requests


Monday, April 6, 2020 1:25 PM

Have a 3D Printer? Contact us to print Surgical Mask Bands for our Front Line Responders!

We are currently printing surgical mask bands that allow our Front Line Responders to hold a mask on the band rather than their ears (the band is located on the back of the head).  If you have a 3D printer and would like to assist, please contact us at or 201-919-8098 and we will get you the information.  Thank you!

Sunday, April 5, 2020 8:42 PM

Help for Harding is Here for You

To Harding Seniors and Those with Underlying Medical Conditions:

We want to keep you as safe as possible while COVID-19 is prevalent in our area. Help for Harding is a group of volunteers in our town who are available to run errands so you don't have to take unnecessary risks by taking trips to a market or pharmacy. Since Mid- March, our volunteers have helped by:

  •  Grocery shopping
  •  Pharmacy pick-ups
  •  Post office pick-up or drop-off
  •  Help with online ordering (on Amazon or other sites)
  •  Answer questions and/or direct you to the right resources in town

Help for Harding is also teaming up with Harding high school students, who are delivering care packages to our most vulnerable neighbors. Please take advantage of our team's help with your needs, big or small. You can contact Help for Harding in the following ways:


Call or text: 862-246-7648


We look forward to helping you!

Sunday, April 5, 2020 8:39 PM

Mayor Yates End of Week Letter, April 5, 2020

Saturday, April 4, 2020 5:00 PM

Our Walking Path is Open and Active!

Saturday, April 4, 2020 8:47 AM

Recycling Schedule Updated Due to COVID-19 Pandemic

Friday, April 3, 2020 10:49 AM

Please sign up for Harding Police Alerts!

If you hadn’t signed up before ... NOW is the time! You will get important messages about road closures, storm updates, emergencies, health alerts, COVID-19 and more, directly from the Harding Township Police. Go to

Friday, April 3, 2020 10:45 AM

Missed the COVID Call? Listen to a Recording.

And please encourage all family, friends, and neighbors to sign up for Harding Police Alerts at

Wednesday, April 1, 2020 8:10 AM

COVID-19 Information Question & Answer - April 2nd at 7 pm

APRIL 2, 2020 - 7:00pm  Mayor Chris Yates and the Harding Township Committee are sponsoring a COVID-19 informational question and answer (Q & A) conference call.  The Committee would like to invite members of the public to phone in for a COVID-19 public Q & A conference call.  Members of the panel will provide informational updates and then open the call to any questions as it relates to COVID-19 and Harding Township.  The panel will consist of Mayor Chris Yates, Township Administrator Bob Falzarano, Police Chief Erik Heller, and Board of Health Chair Dr. Joe Cervone.

Below is the phone number and conference code to participate.  All lines will start out muted.  Once the call is opened to questions, you can dial 5* on your phone to “raise your hand” with a question.  Once your turn to ask your question comes up, you will be unmuted.  You will then be muted again after your question is asked.

  • Call in number: (973) 821-8321
  • Conference Code: 641083
  • No Attendee Pin Needed
5* will allow you to raise your hand during the Q & A portion 

Tuesday, March 31, 2020 5:53 PM

Mayor Christopher Yates and Rita Chipperson Kickoff Campaign

Add your news summary here.

Friday, March 27, 2020 8:55 AM

Mayor Yates End of Week Letter, March 27, 2020

Friday, March 20, 2020 8:57 AM

Mayor Yates End of Week Letter, March 20, 2020

Committee for Yates and Chipperson
11 Fawn Hill Drive, Morristown, NJ 07960
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